on politricks, nonsense, etc

P O L I T I C S.   N O N S E N S E.   S N A R K.

01 March 2011

Scott Walker is a foul individual.

Walker gave a speech today, you might have heard about it.
Democracy does not just expect differences, it demands them. It’s the manner in which we discuss and resolve those differences that leads to bold solutions and innovative reforms. I ask that we continue to be mindful of our differences – as well our similarities – in the coming days, weeks and months. Above all, let us not lose sight of the fact that we were each elected to represent the people of this state by participating in our democratic process. 
I applaud the State Assembly and those in the State Senate who are here today for not losing sight of that.
When suggested the idea of placing agent provocateurs amid the protesters, Walker responded: "We thought about that. The problem with - my only gut reaction to that would be right now is that the lawmakers I've talked to have just completely had it with them. The public is not really fond of this.  My only fear is if there's a ruckus caused that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has to settle to avoid all these problems."  Certainly bold and innovative, I'll grant him that.

And you have to love the dig at the Senate Democrats.  The same dig he and those on the right are pushing, that the Senate Democrats aren't doing their job.  Apparently it was too much to ask for Walker to find nuance in a time of great political turmoil.
Over the past few weeks, a great deal of attention has been focused on Wisconsin. That’s ok because freedom thrives each time there is a passionate debate in our society. Passion and civility can go hand-in-hand and that’s what’s on display here in Wisconsin.
Only because your politrick of planting troublemakers scared you into thinking you might receive more pressure "to settle", Governor.  You jerk.
I have been asked a lot over the past week about what happens next. Well, I’m an optimist.
I'm sorry.  Optimist, not jerk.
You see, for six weeks we worked together to pass bill after bill to show that Wisconsin is open for business. Most of our legislation received bipartisan support. It is my belief that we will soon get back to that type of cooperation in the Capitol.
Governor, you admitted on tape to a plan to trick Senate Democrats into coming back to the Capitol.  And while my inner-child appreciates your attempted Looney Tuning, I humbly offer that it is not 'cooperation' you want in the Capitol but 'coersion'.  When the unions agree to the demands of your budget bill with the lone condition of keeping their collective bargaining rights, and you then spit in their faces, that doesn't say a lot for cooperation, does it?
We need the savings in the budget repair bill because Wisconsin faces a $3.6 billion deficit. Too many politicians have failed to tell the truth about our financial crisis. They left Wisconsinites in the dark about the extent of our fiscal problems. The facts are clear: Wisconsin is broke and it’s time to start paying our bills today – so our kids are not stuck with even bigger bills tomorrow.
This... is right.  As I noted earlier today, an atomic bomb has gone off in the state.
I have often repeated references to our state’s constitutional lesson, that it is only through frugality and moderation in government that we will see freedom and prosperity for our people.
The second half of that lesson: bust unions in an attempt to Ronald Reagan one's self.
Gone are the segregated fund raids, illegal transfers, and accounting gimmicks.
Gimmicks?  Like your setting today as a deadline for Senate Democrats to come back to push $150 million of debt into the next biennial?  Gimmicks like that, Governor?
As we decrease spending, we also increase flexibility so local government and state government have the tools to deal with reduced revenue. It’s true we are reducing aid to local government by just over one and a quarter billion dollars, but we are providing almost $1.5 billion in savings through our budget repair bill. If the 14 Senate democrats do not come home, their local communities will be forced to manage these reductions in aid without the benefit of the tools provided in the repair bill. On the other hand, if the Senate democrats do come home, local units of government overall will actually see a net increase in revenue plus savings of more than $150 million.
First: I find it cute he calls it "our" budget repair bill when the Senate and Assembly Republicans have done as much to the heart of the bill as I have.  It's his bill.  You want to be Ronald Reagan and you can't own up to your own bill?

Second: Hey!  Guys!  The 14 Senate Democrats are not doing their jobs!  They are costing you $1.5 billion in savings!  They are doing this to you and no one else is to blame.  Certainly not me, the Governor, who turned down the offer from the unions to accept the fiscal demands of "our" budget bill.  It's their fault and they are godless communists.
While maintaining services for our most vulnerable, we must also refocus those services and find efficiencies where possible. That will mean asking some individuals to pay modest co-pays and premiums 
'maintaining', 'refocus', 'find': words I'm not sure the Governor knows the meaning of.  You think Medicaid costs are out of control?  Fine.  But don't lipstick that pig.  Address us with the candor you addressed the man you thought was David Koch.  You horse's ass.
Just as we reform our entitlement programs for the 21st century, we must also reform our education system. Clearly, we have to produce graduates who are able to compete - not only with their peers from Chicago or Des Moines - but also from Shanghai or Sydney. 
China is evil.  Glenn beck told me so.
And we must do so while we balance a $3.6 billion deficit. That is why -- even as we reduce school aids – overall we give schools across the state the tools to make up for those reductions with even greater savings through the budget repair bill.  
Again, this is why it is so vitally important for the Senate democrats to come back and do their jobs. If they do not, our schools face massive layoffs of teachers. However, if they do come back, overall savings for schools across the state will outweigh reductions, ultimately allowing schools to put more money in the classroom.
IT IS THE FAULT OF THE SENATE DEMOCRATS AND NO ONE ELSE.  WHY CAN'T YOU LIBERALS SEE THIS?  All I'm trying to do is cut vast sums of dollars from the funding of schools and giving those schools the tools necessary to cut programs.  Programs like Advanced Placement courses, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, nurses, alternative and at-risk education, and science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.  All I'm doing is trying to make the children of the state too dumb to grow up and realize I'm full of shit giving schools the tools necessary to cut programs.
In addition, we will expand choice and charter programs to insure that every kid gets a great education – no matter what zip code they live in. We lift the cap on the number of students eligible to participate in the Milwaukee parental choice program and phase out the income eligibility limits
Translation: a lot of schools are going to be savagely beaten by what is about to happen so we have to make an attempt for a few parents to get their kids out of those schools so the protests in Madison don't expand and extend to other cities.
May God richly bless you and your family. And may God continue to bless the great State of Wisconsin.
Because he sure as hell won't.

1 comment:

  1. In every sense of the word, Gov. Walker is a non-cooperative Fascist. Fascists believe that a nation is an organic community that requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[14] They claim that culture is created by the collective national society and its state, that cultural ideas are what give individuals identity, and thus they reject individualism.[14] Viewing the nation as an integrated collective community, they see pluralism as a dysfunctional aspect of society, and justify a totalitarian state as a means to represent the nation in its entirety.[15][16] Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state.[17] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.[18]
