on politricks, nonsense, etc

P O L I T I C S.   N O N S E N S E.   S N A R K.

24 February 2011

On contempt for our intelligence.

The Godwalker's been unequivocally talking shit again making public statements today:
I'd do almost anything to avoid laying people off.  We need to avoid those layoffs for the good of those workers.
You see, The Godwalker is more than willing--and one might dare say benevolent--to do anything to avoid layoffs except for the small, "modest" matter of excising the collective bargaining language from the bill that's a self-admitted part of a nationwide plan to marginalize unions.  He'd do anything but accept the concessions he's asked for from the unions for the good of the unions.  After proposing a bill which removes collective bargaining and reduces benefits for those workers, The Godwalker wants to avoid these layoffs for the good of those workers.  That makes sense.

Also today:
I'll always be willing to cooperate and communicate with the Democrats, but that has to happen at the state Capitol in Madison.
I am gobsmacked at the audacity it takes to say that after saying this yesterday:
An interesting idea that was brought up to me this morning by my chief of staff, we won’t do it until tomorrow is putting out an appeal to the Democrat leader that I would be willing to sit down and talk to him, the Assembly Democrat leader, plus the other two Republican leaders — talk, not negotiate and listen to what they have to say if they will in turn — but I’ll only do it if all 14 of them will come back and sit down in the state assembly. They can recess it to come back in the room to talk to me, but they all have to go back there. The reason is — we’re verifying it this afternoon — but legally, we believe, once they’ve gone into session, they don’t physically have to be there. If they’re actually in session for that day, and they take a recess, the 19 Senate Republicans could then go into action and they’d have a quorum because they started out that way. So we’re double checking that. If you heard that I was going to talk to them, that would be the only reason why.
Does he think he can get away with saying he'd be willing to cooperate and communicate because of semantics?  That 'compromising' is not the actual, letter-for-letter word that 'cooperate' or 'communicate' is?  Not two days after he's on tape discussing tricking the Senate Democrats to come back--a story that received national attention to say nothing of an ample, local spotlight--and he's willing to actually say he'll "always be willing'?

Tomorrow, undoubtedly, The Godwalker will claim two and two make five.

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