on politricks, nonsense, etc

P O L I T I C S.   N O N S E N S E.   S N A R K.

28 February 2011

Wormtongue is at it again.

The February wind bites the back of your neck like a feral beast scrounging on the carcass and bones of caught prey.  Upturning the collar of your jacket or the throwing on of your scarf only makes you all the more aware of the acute burning on your cheeks.  As sure as noon follows morning and midnight follows dusk, as sure as the motivated legion of protesters in Madison are to stay committed to a cause battling a totalitarian regime, as sure as the sun rising each day...

...so too is Cullen Werwie prone to talk out of his arse.

AP file photo of Cullen Werwie addressing Wisconsin citizens.

Another day, another episode of Governor Scott Walker's spokesman Womtongue spraying a contemptuous diarrhea across public discourse:
Senate Democrats claimed they fled the state to slow down the process so the public had enough time to learn about the budget repair bill.  If that was their true intention, they have been successful. 
Wormtongue is right.  Giving the public enough time to digest the bill was the Senate Democrats' lone, true intention.  It certainly was not an attempt to engage The Godwalker and Senate Republicans in any meaningful discourse or negotiations.  That'd be silly.  The Senate Democrats just wanted people to know about the bill, nothing more, nothing less.
Now they have one day to return to work before the state loses out on the chance to refinance debt, saving taxpayers $165 million this fiscal year.  Failure to return to work and cast their votes will lead to more painful and aggressive spending cuts in the very near future. 
"Saving taxpayers $165 million this fiscal year."  That's one way of putting it.  Another way of putting it might be "deferring $165 million of taxpayer payments to the next biennial".  A more accurate way of putting it might be "a quick fix deferring $165 million of taxpayers payments to the next biennial, such a type of fix The Godwalker has routinely criticized past administrations and legislators for, a quick fix that just pushes payments back to a later date instead of actually addressing the problem".  A more concise way of putting it might be "durr, durr, doublethink, evil Democrats".
This is the Senate Democrats’ 24 hour notice.
That must be nice.  After an attempt to railroad a bill through without any resemblance of negotiations in good faith, after The Godwalker admits to wanting to trick Senate Democrats into coming back, after The Godwalker admits to considering planting agent provocateurs amongst the protesters, after the Senate Republicans make amending the bill before a vote impossible, after all of this, Wormtongue gets to give notice to Senate Democrats to come back.  That the resulting "painful and aggressive spending cuts" will be on their heads and not on The Godwalker or his Republican lackeys.  It is nothing short of envious one should be of Wormtongue.  The ability to perform the mental gymnastics to be able to say such a thing--let alone think it--cannot be easy to achieve.

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