on politricks, nonsense, etc

P O L I T I C S.   N O N S E N S E.   S N A R K.

24 February 2011

On outright disinformation.

The Godwalker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, through a statement on that whole switchboard snafu:
Throughout this call the Governor maintained his appreciation for and commitment to civil discourse. The phone call shows that the governor says the same thing in private as he does in public and the lengths that others will go to disrupt the civil debate Wisconsin is having.
Let's go to the transcript:
Fake David Koch: We’ll back you any way we can. But what we were thinking about the crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers. 
The Godwalker: You know, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that. [...]  My only fear would be if there’s a ruckus caused is that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has to settle to avoid all these problems.
That's The Godwalker on tape.  As in, The Godwalker actually said this and a procurable record and copy of him saying this exists.  As in, The Godwalker actually considered planting agent provocateurs amongst the protesters to marginalize and debase them.

Let's set aside the unfathomable lack of ethics.  The Godwalker is recorded having said this--having definitively said this--and his spokesman is allowed to cast aspersions on others with regards to civil discourse in Wisconsin?  The Godwalker says he and his advisers considered sabotaging the credibility and integrity and perhaps the safety of civil protesters and his spokesman can then chastise "the lengths that others will go to disrupt the civil debate Wisconsin is having" with nary a hint of irony or self-awareness?

Remember the middle-aged goth from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers?

Apparently this fellow goes by "Gríma Wormtongue".  This jerk-and-a-half of a sycophant used lies and deceit to weaken Théoden and his kingdom on behalf of  Count Dooku  Scott Walker  Saruman.  Eventually, Wormtongue's machinations against the people of Wisconsin gaming was exposed and foiled, allowing ideology-driven Republicans to wake up and help recall The Godwalker a year after his inauguration Gandalf to help bring Théoden back to power and restore his kingdom.

Cullen Werwie, undoubtedly, is Wormtongue.  But who will be Gandalf?  Who will break the spell of blind ideology?  Who or what can break a blind ideology reinforced by pillars of disinformation, outright lies and hate?  How can education work when the indoctrinated actively oppose the absconding of ignorance?

From 1984:
It is also that no change of doctrine or in political alignment can ever be admitted.  For to change one's mind, or even one's policy, is a confession of weakness.
Is it a Sisyphean proposition?  What will it take to get that boulder up the hill?

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